General delegations



Consultation (where applicable)

Delegations to chief executive, Deputy chief executives and heads of service





To incur expenditure within approved capital and revenue budgets.




To remit or reduce charges normally paid to the council when there are exceptional or special circumstances justifying the remission or discount.


Relevant cabinet member (executive functions) or chair of the relevant committee or the council (non-executive functions) if the remission or discount is £500 or above


To determine the fees and charges to be levied for all council services, excluding car parking charges.


Relevant cabinet member and chair of scrutiny committee


To settle small compensation payments up to a value of £500, where a claim has been agreed through the council’s complaints procedure.




To award revenue and capital grants up to a maximum of £5,000


Relevant cabinet member


To prepare and submit applications to external bodies and organisations for grant funding on behalf of the council. 
























Land, property and assets



To incur expenditure on any item or service, including the acquisition of land or property, vehicles, plant and equipment.





Relevant cabinet member where the proposed expenditure exceeds £50,000 or a leasing arrangement is proposed


To serve notices to obtain particulars of persons’ interests in land.












To serve notices under any enactment and take follow up action.









To grant permission to carry out works on the council’s land.


Relevant cabinet member 



To declare as surplus, and to sell, assets up to a book value of £10,000.


Relevant cabinet member in the case of land and property with a book value in excess of £5,000





To serve notices, make orders, take enforcement action, and respond to consultations under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.




Without prejudice to any specific delegation in the scheme to authorise the issue and service of any statutory notice or requisition relating to any matters within their area of responsibility and to take any associated enforcement action and authorise default works.




Without prejudice to any specific delegation in the scheme to act as the proper officer for the authentication of any statutory notices, any requisitions, Orders or other documents which are issued and served relating to any matter within their area of responsibility.




To approve the copying of documents for the purpose of the copyright, designs and patents legislation.




Without prejudice to any specific delegation in the scheme to authorise the commencement, continuation, defence, discontinuance or settlement of any legal proceedings (other than high court proceedings or above) relating to any matters within their area of responsibility.


Head of legal and democratic


Subject to any rules of court to authorise members of staff to attend, appear as witnesses and represent the council in any legal proceedings in court, public inquiries, tribunals or any other hearings.




To authorise, under Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) officers to appear on behalf of the council in proceedings before magistrates’ courts.




Where any officer has delegated powers to authorise legal proceedings that power also includes the power to administer simple cautions (previously known as formal cautions).




To deal with lost and uncollected property found on or deposited from land or property within their area of responsibility (S.41 LG(MP)A 1982).




Without prejudice to any specific delegation in the scheme to determine any application for permissions, consents or licences or registration within their area of responsibility.




Without prejudice to any specific delegation in this scheme, to grant, renew, refuse or cancel any authority in writing to members of staff who may exercise any statutory power of inspection and entry onto land or property, powers of inspection (including inspection of buildings, premises and vehicles).  Such written authority shall allow the authorised person to exercise all the relevant statutory powers of such an authorised officer.




To authorise officers to conduct directed surveillance or the use of covert human intelligence sources in accordance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.




To release Council held information under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Head of legal and democratic on any applications for exemptions


To sign statements of truth on behalf of the council under the civil procedure rules 1998.




To make planning applications including listed building, conservation area and advertisement consents, and footpath diversion or tree preservation orders. 


Relevant cabinet member in the case of major projects


To make applications for any orders and other application such as building control applications.




To authorise any employee to admit liability or to negotiate a settlement of any professional negligence liability claim made against that employee.


Head of legal and democratic


To exercise the council’s powers and duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 including statutory powers of inspection and entry, service of notices, taking enforcement action and the appointment of inspectors. 




Staffing matters



To enter into agreements under section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 to place staff at the disposal of other councils or to receive the services of staff of other councils.


Relevant cabinet member



To take any action required or authorised under any recruitment and selection policies and procedures.




To authorise the appointment of temporary and relief staff and agency staff where essential during periods of absence, sickness or holidays or as a result of resignation or to deal with unexpected peaks in workload.




To determine applications to extend an employee’s contractual period of sick leave on full or half pay for an additional period of up to three months.


Relevant head of service


To determine applications for leave of absence without pay.




To agree flexible contracts and working patterns, including job share, home working and term time working.




To approve the payment of temporary additions to salary where the additional duties of responsibilities are shared by one or more employees.


Head of corporate services


To authorise ex-gratia payments to employees who suffer accidental loss or damage incurred in the course of their duties.


Section 151 officer and head of corporate services if above £500


To authorise contractual salary progression within career graded posts.




To authorise the working and payments to employees for standby duties and for overtime.




To approve applications for annual, compassionate or other leave.




To determine applications for special leave with full pay.




To enter into apprenticeship or similar agreements.




To determine applications from officers graded senior officer and above for permission to take up secondary employment.




To authorise the reimbursement of employees for essential additional expenditure incurred by them in carrying out their duties.    




To formally discipline staff in strict accordance with the any disciplinary procedures.


Head of corporate services


To authorise time sheets, mileage and subsistence claims, and other expenses.




To authorise the attendance by staff at meetings, training sessions, discussion groups, seminars, exhibitions and conferences.




To give approval to staff to attend training courses and day release courses in pursuit of relevant professional or other qualifications.




To grant paid leave of absence to staff for personal development or training purposes.




To authorise the acceleration of increments to staff within their salary scale until the top of the scale is reached.


Head of corporate services


To approve permanent additions to the establishment, which will come forward as an essential growth bid.

Head of paid service, section 151 officer, leader of council and Cabinet member for finance


Purchases, plant, stock, equipment and materials



To authorise and incur expenditure of a recurring nature or to purchase stock, plant, equipment and other materials subject to compliance with procurement procedure rules.




To hire plant subject to the inclusion of cost of hire within approved estimates.




To incur expenditure on the reception and entertainment of persons connected with local government or other public services.




To authorise the disposal of surplus stock, plant, equipment and other materials at the best possible prices subject to compliance with procurement procedure rules.




Contractual and financial matters



To take any action authorised by the council’s procurement procedure rules and any financial rules and procedures.




To monitor and take all necessary action (except legal proceedings) to enforce all the legal provisions contained within any deeds of transfer made between the council and any other organisation and all ancillary provisions contained within any schedules of any deeds relating to any matter within their area of responsibility


Head of legal and democratic


To sign on the council’s behalf any contract for works, good or services.





To approve an additional on-going budget of the lesser of £50,000 or 20% of the contract price if following the tendering of a contract, the new contract sum is greater than the approved budget. This would subsequently come forward as an essential growth bid.


Chief executive, section 151 officer, leader of council and Cabinet member for finance





To respond to consultations from the government, neighbouring authorities and other public or private sector bodies having regard to any protocol on responding to consultation documents.




To carry out the maintenance and publication of performance indicators and other information relating to performance standards.




To undertake any roles and functions allocated under any council policies or procedures.




To make minor amendments to strategies/policies after approval by council/cabinet prior to publication.




To exercise powers delegated to the council under agency agreements or contracts with other councils. 




To review and deal with all complaints in accordance with any comments and complaints procedure.




To instruct consultants and other agents (other than counsel or outside solicitors) to advise or otherwise assist the council in connection with any work of the council.




To determine a formal review of assets of community value requested by the landowner. 







Without prejudice to any specific delegation in the scheme in cases of emergency or urgency only to carry out any action or exercise any statutory power within their area of responsibility on behalf of the council.